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Overgrown trees

Reported via desktop in the Trees category anonymously at 09:27, Mon 20 June 2022

Sent to Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council and Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3608874.

We have received a report from a resident that the trees along the footpath from Ratcliffe Road are becoming very overgrown and are causing an issue for partially sighted people. The pictures attached were sent by the resident.

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  • Street signs highlighting the chicane on Lutterworth Road, near to PasschendaeleDrive LE10 2FP, are now obscured by overhanging trees in both ways. This means that traffic unfamiliar with this road cannot see who has priority. This is further aggravated by an arrowed sign which indicates traffic should pull out, when in reality traffic should stop if there is oncoming traffic. An accident possibly waiting to happen.


    Posted anonymously at 19:53, Tue 6 September 2022

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