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Traffic hazard caused by road markings

Reported in the Street sign category anonymously at 22:12, Wed 15 May 2013

Sent to Redbridge 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 357380.

Junction of A1199 & High St Snaresbrook: On approach to junction from High St there are two lanes: Road markings on left lane are LEFT & RIGHT TURN ARROWS, on right lane are RIGHT TURN ARROWS, i.e. two lanes for turning right. On turning right there is only one lane exiting the junction as a pelican crossing refuge has narrowed what must have previously been two lanes. I have been witness to several near miss collisions as a result of this problem. SIMPLE solution - make left hand lane as LEFT ONLY (not LEFT & RIGHT). Alternatively remove all road arrows and drivers would automatically go to the left lane to turn left and the right lane to turn right.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 10:40, Thu 13 June 2013

  • I am disappointed to say that nothing has been done to fix this relatively simple issue, and I see there are no updates returned from the Redbridge, the authority to which this was passed to by fixmystreet.
    I wonder why I bother trying to do the right thing!!!!
    Unfortunately Redbridge is a large borough administered from Ilford (which has little in common with the Woodford/Wanstead area and as such it seems there is a problem of a lack of local accountability/pride/engagement in resolving issues in this area.

    Posted anonymously at 10:40, Thu 13 June 2013

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 09:25, Fri 12 July 2013

  • A problem that is quick, inexpensive and easy to fix to prevent accidents and aggravation.....but Redbridge can't be bothered. Disappointed by the inaction as usual.
    It is tempting to go and buy some black paint and do the job myself but then I would probably be prosecuted. What a mad unaccountable world!

    Posted anonymously at 09:25, Fri 12 July 2013

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