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Overgrown shrubbery from private property blocking view of junction

Reported via desktop anonymously at 18:22, Sun 22 May 2022

Sent to Horsham District Council and West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3543103.

2 years ago I reported the same issue regarding overgrown shrubbery blocking the view at the junction of the B2116 and A281. The resident has removed their fence panels, allowing the shrubbery to grow through. This issue forces cars to drive into the road to gain a view from the Horsham direction, this then puts the driver at risk of being hit by traffic coming from the Henfield direction. I myself have had issues seeing up the road and I have a history of driving. A new driver or not so confident driver may not be so lucky and have an accident. This needs to be re-addressed.

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  • I forgot to mention that my first photo is a screenshot of the junction from google maps from April 2021. The two other photos were taken by my partner when we entered the junction, however, the issues runs further along the road.

    Posted anonymously at 18:25, Sun 22 May 2022

  • The issues remains unresolved and I believe to be a public safety issue.

    Posted anonymously at 06:46, Mon 20 June 2022
    Still open, via questionnaire

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