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Tree obstacle removed but now car parking there

Reported via mobile in the Car parking category anonymously at 11:17, Mon 16 May 2022

Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3528465.

This car now parks occasionally on this corner so now even though the huge tree blocking view of cars coming down Kings Walk has been taken down drivers still cannot see oncoming traffic. In photos you can see car coming last minute as I wait to pull out. Plus another photos shows difficulty seeing as van backs out behind parked car. This junction is as dangerous as ever when this car parks here. Can we have a no parking sign on this one corner please

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  • Still car parking on this tricky junction blocking view of traffic coming down Jings Walk. Need no parking notice or something. Car park on corners all round the estate but not a problem. Here is a problem for cars exiting Kennedy Way. The bend should be clear to avoid collisions

    Posted anonymously at 02:22, Tue 14 June 2022
    Still open, via questionnaire

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