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Grass cutting on verge along Bloxham Road

Reported via desktop in the Grass category anonymously at 16:21, Thu 5 May 2022 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3504364.

Grass is long needs cutting junction coming out of Parson Piece will be obscured. Cut most of Bloxham road but not touched these verges

Council ref: 3504364

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  • We live at 6 Parsons Piece Banbury OX16 9GW

    The strip of grass at the front on the Bloxham Road (outside no 4 and 6 Parsons Piece from the bus stop to the newly constructed roundabout and the grass strip on the other side of the road towards the Salt Way hasn't been cut yet this year and is now heavily overgrown.

    Please can you update and confirm this is on the grass cutting schedule


    Phil Rabaiotti 6 Parsons Piece Banbury OX16 9GW

    07968 434 822

    Posted anonymously at 16:33, Thu 5 May 2022

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