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Filthy house - always rubbish

Reported via iOS in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category anonymously at 17:14, Wed 20 April 2022

Sent to Folkestone and Hythe District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3471391.

Bags are often overflowing bin and seagulls rip into them. Household waste, nappies etc all over street. Health hazard. Please let these people know they need to resolve this

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  • As above. Consistent rubbish outside 8 Albion which flies up the streets surrounding. Ripped bean bag thrown outside and small polystyrene balls scattered up Albion Road, Fernbank Crescent and Linden Crescent. Rats seen near the bins there due to food waste not properly contained or put in bins.

    Posted anonymously at 13:05, Fri 22 April 2022

  • Again rubbish all over the street from number 8 Albion who repeatedly fly tip and leaves rubbish bags on the street. Rats has been seen front and back of the house. They must be fined for being persistent offenders!

    Posted anonymously at 18:01, Fri 6 May 2022

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