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Dog mess smell

Reported via mobile in the Other (non-highways) category anonymously at 15:56, Fri 15 April 2022

Sent to Hampshire County Council and Test Valley Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3461657.

They don’t seem to take there dog (s) for a walk so it poops in the back garden, they currently swept it up and put it bin bags that have sat for a couple of weeks in their garden no they’ve moved them so they have started to smell (bad) Really bad.

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  • Hi, update on my last report…well the bin is still outside their back gate and it stinks worse than ever you can smell it up the road too, they just seem to leave rubbish anywhere they please too, also I would like to add re the noise OMG! they are letting their 3 kids out till all hours shouting and screaming. The dogs barking too The 2 parents are even louder especially when they are either on the phone shouting at the kids or arguing with each other. I know they’ve been reported by me and a couple of others, but nothings happened as far as we can tell.

    Posted anonymously at 14:49, Wed 17 August 2022

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