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BT telephone box

Reported via Android by Litter Picking Watch Romney Marsh at 08:14, Fri 15 April 2022

Sent to Folkestone and Hythe District Council and Kent County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3460839.

This is a functioning telephone box next to the Bus Stop on the corner of Burmarsh Road facing the A259. It's in a disgusting state, dirty, cobweb covered, years of grime covering the interior & exterior in fact unusable. I'm reporting here although this will not go to Open Reach but to a local authority. Hopefully they will have a direct link to Open Reach and have a bit more punch then me. I understand local councils were contacted by BT in the past to ask if old phone booths could be removed. This local council wanted to keep the booth's in case of emergencies as not everyone had mobile phones, it looks like BT (Open Reach) have given up maintenance.

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