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Pavement is uneven and has a build up of sticky tar like mud

Reported via desktop in the Street cleaning category anonymously at 15:12, Sun 10 April 2022

Sent to South Oxfordshire District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3449894.

I reported this issue previously on ref no. ENQ22916877 however OCC reviewed it and fixed a pothole nearby and closed the FMS. The pavement near the Primary School is uneven and has a build up of thick, slippy, tar like mud on both Memorial Avenue and also Plough Lane. It is slippery and only a matter of time before someone slips over. It is also not nice for the Children entering the School who are unable to avoid it and entering School with dirty shoes which means more work for the school cleaners. It would be nice if this work could be done before the return to term on 25/4/22

Council ref: 3449894

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