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Confusing Lane Layout

Reported via iOS in the Road Markings category anonymously at 18:32, Thu 7 April 2022

Sent to Hull City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3444953.

Heading southbound along Stoneferry Road approaching the Ferry Lane roundabout with Rix Road to the nearside, there are three lanes which all include a straight on arrow. The Road markings in the right hand lane state ‘Ferry Lane only’ but this is meaningless to anyone unfamiliar with the area. Should all 3 vehicles choose to go straight on at the roundabout there will be a risk of a collision as there are only two lanes after the roundabout. This is easily fixed by changing the arrows in the right hand Lane to right turn only arrows.

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  • I had read somewhere that arrows indicating a right turn are no longer used due to confusion for foreign drivers. They fear that they may take the immediate right turn which would be the wrong way around the roundabout! About time they changed back to a right arrow.

    Posted anonymously at 13:26, Wed 13 April 2022

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