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Cars exceed the speed limit coming down church road and then pass Stoke common road on Bishopstoke lane

Reported via mobile in the Other (non-highways) category anonymously at 10:02, Mon 4 April 2022

Sent to Eastleigh Borough Council and Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3435769.

This morning I was wanting to turn right out of Stoke common road onto church road that leads to Bishopstoke lane and I take time to come out of this junction as people come flying down church road. So I looked and looked and looked again and pulled out little did I know a car was flying down church road and missed it by a few inches. Despite me coming out slow and looking. Speed bumps need to be put in as cars come down church road so when they reach Stoke common road they are not able to go fast. I was lucky and didn’t hit this car despite me looking a lot before I exited the junction

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  • This problem is ongoing and there has been accidents and kids knocked over on this road.

    Posted anonymously at 21:28, Mon 2 May 2022
    Still open, via questionnaire

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