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Cars/Property being damaged

Reported via mobile anonymously at 19:10, Wed 23 March 2022

Sent to Leeds City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3411441.

Please can “no ball games” signs be erected around the cul-de-sac and letters sent to parents in the are to inform them not to let children play so close to other peoples property.

Children are constantly playing football in the cul-de-sac, kicking the ball with force at garages/garden walls of private properties. There have been countless incidents where balls are also hitting cars on private driveways causing damage, hitting house windows etc.

Children in the area are often running up and down private gardens and driveways, causing damage to peoples lawns and flowers to retrieve balls and then staring through windows laughing. There have been multiple instances of children also throwing stones at conservatories in the area.

Parents have been spoken to and asked kindly to stop this happening, by numerous people in the area and so have the children but nothing happens about it.

On occasion when children have been asked nicely to go and play on the green not too far away, they have become verbally abusive.

People should not have to fear their cars and private property is at risk of being damaged every day, because parents are happy to just let their children play recklessly near cars/private property.

This has been going on for months and nothing is being done about it.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 19:32, Wed 20 April 2022

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 23:00, Wed 18 May 2022

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 07:23, Thu 16 June 2022

  • This is still ongoing and children have now caused damage to the Garage owned by number 12, the pointing has been damaged and knocked off the side of garage. Their fence has also been damaged and the children have damaged cars by it hitting them and causing scuff marks, also scratches from them climbing under the cars to retrieve the ball and lawns are being ruined from them trespassing to retrieve the ball without asking.

    Parents have been asked but get no sense out of them. This has been reported to the police now to ask them to inform the children the antisocial behaviour is unacceptable and they shouldn’t be playing so close to cars and using someone’s personal property as a goal post.

    Please can Leeds city council put up no ball games signs in the area and also inform residents that the cul-de-sac is not a football pitch.

    Posted anonymously at 21:30, Sat 15 April 2023

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