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Obstructive parking issues

Reported via Android in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 06:58, Sat 19 March 2022

Sent to West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3399912.

Parking in Dale Close is just ridiculous. Constantly people just dumping vehicles wherever they like blocking exit from drives, parking over keep clear markers on the road, parking on and blocking pavement requiring pedestrians (including children) to walk in the road, blocking access for vehicle trying to use the road.

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  • Council said to speak to the police. Police said to speak to the council. Wast of time. Cars park on pavements much of the time and ambulances cannot get through if needed. Utterly useless.

    Posted anonymously at 07:09, Sat 16 April 2022
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 08:18, Sat 14 May 2022

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