Status unknown
Flooding (Again)
Reported via desktop anonymously at 10:49, Thu 17 March 2022
Sent to Bristol City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3395262.
This flooding due to blocked drains has already been previously reported on numerous occasions. The last reference number was 3314895. The payment is impassable and a good 6" deep. How many more times do we report this problem before action is taken?
This has been reported many times before. Bristol City Council are an absolute joke. No doubt they will blame Covid for their incompetance, I am sure they would act upon it if we all refused to pay our council tax.
Posted anonymously at 15:14, Tue 19 April 2022
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Every time it rains it floods. It's been like that for a year now!
Posted anonymously at 12:20, Wed 18 May 2022
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It's starting to get a bit embarrassing. You can re-tar the streets which will last five minutes but can't clear drains. You are not fit for purpose and should be privatised.
Posted anonymously at 16:48, Wed 15 June 2022
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Its been two years!!!mThe problem has not been resolved to the point where we as residents will get a quote for the drains to be cleared by a private company, and send it to the local authority. If the problem is not sorted in six weeks, we will instruct that company to do the work and then stop paying our council tax to the point where the cost of the works are covered. You clearly cannot provide public services and invest in bankrupt energy companies and pointless projects at the expense of the tax payer. - Shme on you!
Posted anonymously at 08:45, Mon 1 August 2022
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Another year has passed and still the drain is blocked and the pavement gets flooded causing pedestrians to step into the road. Will it need serious injury or death for this issue to be resolved??
Posted anonymously at 17:20, Fri 14 April 2023
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