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Flooding/Large Puddle.

Reported via Android by Robert Butler at 15:27, Fri 11 March 2022

Sent to Charnwood Borough Council and Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3380868.

Hi, I'd like to report a Flood/Large Puddle which forms during/after heavy rainfall on the pavement where the drop kerb is between 2 Businesses (Yasmins Indian Restaurant & Orient House Chinese takeaway) on the High street, Sileby. The puddle gets that deep that you have to walk on the road or end up with Wet feet as the puddle covers the Width of the pavement.

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  • LCC Highways responded with basically there's no problem, the officer in question must of attended the location when it was dry or in his opinion no warrent any work so will be pushing past his response to our local LCC county Cllr.

    Posted by Robert Butler at 16:11, Fri 8 April 2022
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 08:22, Sat 7 May 2022

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 10:47, Sun 5 June 2022

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 11:00, Sun 3 July 2022

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