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Multiple potholes on the westbound side of north circular A406

Reported in the Road or pavement defect category anonymously at 22:34, Thu 14 March 2013

Sent to Transport For London Street Management 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 333323.

Multiple (and some of them are massive) potholes on the westbound side of north circular A406 on the stretch of road between where the southend road meets a406 and going up to the chingford road roundabout exit. No photos as u can imagine, I am driving on a 50mph road!!! I can't pinpoint exactly where all the potholes are; but there are several on this stretch. This was as of 01 March, 2013. If they have been fixed, then great. if not, please get them fixed.

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  • 28 March 2013 - they still have not fixed them. My tyre got punctured on these pot holes this afternoon - when I went to kwik fit just off the billet roundabout, they told me 10 cars in a row all got punctured from driving over them as well. Not happy at all!

    Posted anonymously at 14:58, Fri 29 March 2013

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 12:40, Sat 20 April 2013

  • This has not yet been fixed as of 19 april, despite having received an email from tfl on 22 march, stating they will get it fixed. TFL, please fix this. huge crater potholes on a 50mph road is very dangerous and can cause grave/fatal accidents...!!!

    Posted anonymously at 12:40, Sat 20 April 2013

  • 08/05/13 - These have STILL not been repaired. In fact, they have gotten worse. These are very large and dangerous craters straddling the left and middle lanes. The risk to drivers warrants urgent action.

    Posted anonymously at 11:41, Wed 8 May 2013

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