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The sidewalks in Dennistoun

Reported via iOS in the Street cleaning category by Marie-Louise Brimberg at 15:24, Mon 21 February 2022

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3326912.

On the 14th of February the clean Mobeal came down half the sidewalk of Finlay Dr. in Denniston. It is so peculiar that the driver always uses a technique of coming racing down in the middle of the street go in and clean the sidewalk on one side of the street in one then to disappear again not even going to the other side of the street. It is peculiar that that this driver never seem to have a plan on how to clean the sidewalks altogether. I have heard that city office was under the impression that on the 1st of February he cleaned all sidewalks of Denniston. That is a far cry from the from the truth.

There is no rhyme or reason to the way the sidewalks get cleaned here. The sidewalks on Finlay Dr. and Armedale St to mention a few, plus all other sidewalks here in Dennistoun have leaves mulching on the walkways. It is slick as soap. It takes time. Time where no cleanup has taken place. And Mother Nature has not been capable of pushing the stuff away. In reality Mother Nature is the only one that cleans our sidewalks. If you get reports that our sidewalks are being professional cleaned you are being snowed. Best regards, Marie-Louise Brimberg

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  • I am so tired of the lag of cleaning the sidewalks here in Dennistoun.

    Posted by Marie-Louise Brimberg at 19:16, Tue 22 March 2022
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • No mechanical cleaning on our sidewalks. No cars are parked up on the sidewalk, so I wonder what holds the cleaning up.

    Posted by Marie-Louise Brimberg at 21:16, Tue 19 April 2022
    Still open, via questionnaire

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