Status unknown
Very dangerous broken drain cover
Reported via desktop anonymously at 21:21, Fri 11 February 2022
Sent to Runnymede Borough Council and Surrey County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3306255.
This has been reported before and not repaired properly the potholes that were just patched up are now big holes again, plus there is a large drain cover split down the middle which will soon brake in two if so will cause a bad accident, and possibly wright off a car as the drain is big enough for a wheel to fall in Please repair this instead of just cheap botched poor work that does not last, and i suggest you check your mail ready for someone suing for damages
I think your email is a joke, you stated it would be fixed within 7 days it is now the 14th of March and it’s not been touched, and to make matters worse the road has got worse with another large pot hole, unlike last time can someone repair this who knows what they are doing
Posted anonymously at 09:52, Mon 14 March 2022
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Hi Again you ask has it been fixed, NO, the poorly repaired pot hole is already braking up, bit worst than that you haven't even bothered repairing the broken drain cover been 2 months, do you relise what would happen if this was to completely brake in 2 as a car went over, very dangerous I have been making people aware of who to seek a claim against if they should suffer an injury as a result of the very poor response from you, Get your act together and fix it all, because it just means coming back out and doing it again, it seems that people's safety is far from you thoughts
Posted anonymously at 16:40, Mon 11 April 2022
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I have since been told that it is a private road, however I again have been told that the broken drain cover is council so maybe some one could have a look, and also maybe someone who cares about road safety could let me know who to report the private road to as no seems to know. I don't need a response from you
Posted anonymously at 18:53, Mon 9 May 2022
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