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Grosvenor Rd Project

Reported via iOS in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 17:18, Sat 29 January 2022

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3274755.

This second hand furniture shop is being permitted to bring ALL his item of furniture- onto the pavement. I use a Mobility Scooter and I can’t get “ throu” The remaining gap..

He parks his van awkwardly

And from looking on his site He says he sells items of electrical nature …. But I can’t see anywhere l Where he has electric equipment calebrated ( so how can he qualify it’s safety)


Over the time

He first seem to have any financial history ~ of caring if it is safe Because Theres no records of payment for certification…

This person only took overt the business in Jan of this year.., And I would suggest he is an illegal trader.., Avoiding tax Not declaring his sales

And generally a dangerous shop owner to have been given this Prestigious building.. To do … what he thinks… is valid business

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  • Can’t see an update Looks like furniture has gone back 2ft But still dangerously balanced With no “pricey ticket “ So he can charge whatever he likes ( and there’s no proof of purchase) Tin Pot traders Redistribution of damaged goods

    Posted anonymously at 12:29, Tue 15 March 2022

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 11:48, Wed 13 April 2022

  • They property still had several items of furniture ( all improved) It is reducing on a weekly basis But I see it’s up for Lease This is one of the tactics these sort of unqualified people ,, take I here he has another property ( think down bit of Victoria.. and he’s back shovelling too and fro To make it look like the shop is “ emptying”..

    And I’m a great believer that this “so called Lease” will go to yet another member of the close nit family…

    SO No This problem hasn’t been solved I would be surprised how long he can keep up his facade,, as ,, apparently,, and he chose not to keep it a secret… he’s making £1000 per day out of each shop.. i bet he isn’t declaring all of that And similarly He resells electric goods But i can’t see that he’s re-calibrated his sales

    Posted anonymously at 21:00, Wed 11 May 2022
    Still open, via questionnaire

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