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Dangerous pothole at junction of A35 and Ashurst Lodge/Home Farm Access Road

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 12:12, Wed 19 January 2022

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3251881.

Following a previous report, another pothole has developed right next to the one which was previously filled. The same concerns apply as last time, ie it is right at the point where vehicles turn off the busy A35 on to our access road and, if the road continues to deteriorate, this could cause an accident as drivers have to take greater and greater care as they turn off the A35 due to the deteriorating condition of the road. The section could do with resurfacing completely as there are now a number of potholes developing.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 10:02, Wed 2 March 2022

  • Although one small pothole has been filled with tarmac, the entire section of road is in a rapidly deteriorating state, as can be seen from the photos attached (I have 10 in total, but can only attach 3 photos here). The whole area needs resurfacing, as it is becoming more and more dangerous for cars turning off the A35, which have to drive more slowly and carefully in order to navigate the potholes and general deterioration of the surface. Please could we have a more thorough job on this small, albeit extremely important, piece of road? Thank you in advance for your attention to this worrying problem.

    Posted anonymously at 11:30, Wed 9 March 2022

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