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State of road resurfacing

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 14:11, Sun 19 October 2008

Sent to Essex County Council 8 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 32488.

Ferry road was resurfaced recently. The standard is amazingly poor. I cannot believe that the council are going to pay the contractor for the work. The surface is graining and already degrading. Some of the drains were covered over and then 'tarmac'ed, leaving them impervious to water. When they were cut out they left potholes deep enough to damage car suspension. The transitions between Ferry Road and the side turnigns is very poor. The work was carried out with no proper traffic maangement and some cars were sprayed with wet tar. Driveways were also damaged by tar staining for the same reason. WHat is going to be done about this new poor surface? Thank you.

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