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Reported via mobile in the Graffiti category anonymously at 17:20, Mon 17 January 2022

Sent to Lewisham Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3247684.

My recent report on graffiti on buildings and shutters was responded to by Lewisham Council in that if I notified them of a particular building they would try to include that in their programe for cleaning due to not enough funding or staff to take on any large scale cleaning to clear it. It surely needs someone from LBC to look at the state of the High Street and come up with something more positive to clear the problem.

What's happened to the CCTV cameras in the High Street. I'm sure the shop keepers can offer some help, it can't do their business much good trading in such a messy Street. The police must know the tags and the names/addresses of the people causing the damage Shops should not be allowed to sell spray paint or marker pens to under 21's.

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