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Dangerous Bus Stop Penford Hill North Bound - Not Resolved

Reported via desktop in the Bus stop or shelter issue category anonymously at 10:13, Wed 12 January 2022

Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3234570.

The original problemwas that BANES were preparing to remove the safety island that is Nth of the Nth bound bus lane and stop due to collisions.

B@NES Outcome: We have resolved this issue. Fixed Posted by Systems Team at 08:25 12/1/2022 This report is now closed to updates.

****UPDATE **** I received the following response from B@NES which I regard as unsatisfactory and unsafe. "We have had to take immediate action to remove the refuge island once we became aware how many times it had been hit by vehicles since it's installation in 2019. The 'keep left' bollards have been replaced at least 12 times and there is further evidence of gouge marks and scrapes on the kerbs which means it is very likely the island has been hit many more times than this."

They appear to have ruled out double yellow lines because "The possibility of providing further road markings and signs to make the island more conspicuous was considered but ruled out because it would not be effective enough to minimise the risk sufficiently of future collisions"

As the photo shows there is no path opposite behind the bus, so pedestrians are effectively being challenged to cross in front of the bus without refuge. Cars and Lorries who overtake (40+ MPH) will now have the option to cut back in closer to the front of the bus, and if done as an emergency (unseen oncoming traffic due to the stationary bus & blind bend) are likely to breach the Western footpath to recover.

The Google Maps image shows an obscured approaching lorry at the bend which would force evasive action if a vehicle had attempted to pass the stationary bus at that stop.

B@NES your response is unsatisfactory and unsafe. As you have now removed the island the first critical step is to install emergency double yellow lines to prevent legal overtaking and signage warning not to overtake stationary bus. The refuge should be reinstalled Sth of the bus stop, and the Eastern footpath path extended to meet it. Pedestrians deserve better.

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  • Thank you for your report, it will be reviewed by the appropriate team.

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Systems Team at 10:13, Wed 12 January 2022

  • The full B@NES response to my initail concern is here:

    Dear Mr Harries Thank you for your enquiry. We have had to take immediate action to remove the refuge island once we became aware how many times it had been hit by vehicles since it's installation in 2019. The 'keep left' bollards have been replaced at least 12 times and there is further evidence of gouge marks and scrapes on the kerbs which means it is very likely the island has been hit many more times than this. We undertook a road safety audit of the island which concluded it should be removed. We would not usually make such a change without consulting the local community but the high frequency of collisions means that further collisions are highly likely which is why we've had to take action without delay. The council has looked at all other options to helping people to cross the road here once the island is removed. Unfortunately the footways are not wide enough for us to install a signalised crossing and they cannot be widened due to a steep embankment on both sides. We've also considered moving the bus stops but ruled this out because of the lack of space for providing a bus shelter if moved from its current position. The possibility of providing further road markings and signs to make the island more conspicuous was considered but ruled out because it would not be effective enough to minimise the risk sufficiently of future collisions. The footway on the eastern side of the road has now been widened slightly so there is a little less road width to cross and more space for people on foot to wait. We've already put in new road markings to warn traffic to slow at this point and new signs will be erected too. There will also be a new electronic sign going up which flashes a reminder of the 30mph speed limit. Yours Faithfully

    Shane Charles Shane_Charles@BATHNES.GOV.UK

    State changed to: Open

    Posted anonymously at 10:14, Wed 12 January 2022

  • I am interested in understanding how you found time to complete a road safety audit but not time to consulate those who live in the village and use the crossing? I am also keen to understand what you think the vehicles might hit now the refuge island has been removed? The definition of refuge is a place providing safety or shelter. I assume an authority with limited resources doesn’t install a refuge without there being a genuine need. And the fact that the refuge island has been hit many times strengthens the argument for needed refuge. The reasons stated for the urgent need to remove the refuge island suggests the desire to avoid damage to vehicles and the island is greater than the desire to protect those who cross the road. The bus stops are needed and there is need for safe crossing. These should be top priority.

    Posted anonymously at 12:10, Wed 12 January 2022

  • Dear Sir You are also aware of the persistent use of the pedestrian footpath by lorries on the A37 100m South of the speed camera Sth bound where BaNES have previously neglected to install bollards or safety measure to prevent them. Is that too now subject to urgent action without community consultation? I am confident that your Track software illustrates the problem at that point and your team are aware of that breach of the highway pedestrian area and that your decision to date on safety is a statistical guestimate on the probability of a collision between the 40T lorry and child. It would appear if it is causing risk to vehicles you act quickly and decisively, but if it involves a pedestrian you gamble - Do you agree that pedestrians are highways users?

    Posted anonymously at 14:55, Wed 12 January 2022

  • BaNES a question please - When a vehicle is overtaking a bus travelling Nth at that location and they are in the RHS lane and level with the bus preparing to merge, is there driver’s line of vision to bend of at least 60m? I am also assuming the vehicle would in that instance be in the RHS lane so would the assessment of 'Y' be taken 1.5m from the centre line? It should not be the assessment from the LHS lane behind the bus as the vehicles are blinded by the stationary bus. - A genuine question about limits?

    Posted anonymously at 15:54, Wed 12 January 2022

  • State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Systems Team at 16:27, Wed 12 January 2022

  • We have resolved this issue. If this issue reoccurs please log a new report.

    Thank you for using Fix My Street. Reporting issues like this online can help us deal with them more efficiently.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Systems Team at 15:59, Tue 18 January 2022

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 13:22, Wed 9 February 2022

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