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Bridle way becoming impassable for larger horses

Reported via iOS in the Rights of way category anonymously at 23:40, Thu 6 January 2022

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3221708.

On the section going away from the farm as you enter the woods there is a long section of wire that is partly trodden in and partly forms a trip hazard for pedestrians. The trees further in have fallen across and it is getting dangerous to weave in and out, ducking under fallen branches and one huge tree at an angle. Small steady pony, no problem.. but a large horse coming across loose barking dogs is another matter!! Happy to come and help plant replacement saplings.. it’s a lovely place and many people enjoy the stretch of woodland as a walk, as well as a wonderful bridleway, one of the few left to us! More connecting bridle routes would be even better.. I am sure the section of the Wayfarers way used to be a Bridlepath before the World Wars.. perhaps we could be given that ROW back?

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  • This needs fixing still. Especially as there are bulldozers working on the housing nearby, my friends horse startled here last week and took off. Luckily just before he entered the wooded area. There’s no room for error when squeezing under the fallen trees!

    Posted anonymously at 16:03, Sun 6 February 2022
    Still open, via questionnaire

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