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Slippery surface, no grip

Reported via mobile in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 11:54, Thu 30 December 2021

Sent to West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3205129.

The general road condition is very poor,and has been for a good while now, over 3 years. I was riding my horse and the horse fell, throwing me off and damaging her leg and mine. We are not the only one having this problem as there is no grip on the road at all, it’s impossible to avoid as the other roads around are to busy/fast to go down but is incredibly dangerous even on foot. If the horse was to get free when it fell they would be on the main highway so could become very dangerous very quickly. The road is saucelands in Shipley. Just off the main coolham road. Rh13 8qg

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