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Bridleway in dangerous condition

Reported via desktop in the Rights of way category anonymously at 22:05, Sat 25 December 2021

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3198645.

This Bridleway has fallen into decline due to its dangerous condition, i have slipped on lose rocks and sprained my ankle the other day. The problem is lack of ant maintenance i can ever remember, the steep track is now a washed out gulley with loose rocks and covered with leaves , Its about time something was done about it , I would think no equestrian in there right mind would use it due to lose rocks and its hard to walk up or down the 100M section from the road with ought stumbling on loose or fixed rocks hidden under leaves in gulley, if you try to walk to side tis as slippery as ice most of the time , a danger to anyone needing to use it! which i do to complete my walk around Ludshott common ! Please get it re surfaced and some rain water control to stop it washing out into v gully

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