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Graffiti has been removed on several occasions from the slabs alongside the newly created footpath

Reported via desktop in the Graffiti category anonymously at 12:23, Tue 7 December 2021

Sent to Cherwell District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3164895.

Following discussions with the Parish Council and the Bloxham Biodiversity group we are anxious to try to prevent this recurring problem which would be of benefit to all concerned and prevent recurrent costs of removal for the Council. Following conversation with Tim Screen at Cherwell he suggested contacting you with our preferred solution. The proposal is to plant some slow growing trailing plants at the top of the slabs which will both soften their appearance and will in time cover the slabs and remove the potential for further graffiti. Mike Smith has been notified of this proposal but it was suggested to also post it here. Everyone to date has supported the idea but it needs the final endorsement of Oxford CC. Hopefully I have explained this properly and your approval will be forthcoming. Many thanks.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 12:31, Tue 4 January 2022

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