Status unknown
Public right of way blocked by developers
Reported via desktop in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 17:26, Thu 28 October 2021
Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3090418.
Public right of way blocked by developers
Still blocked off, no access to other side of right of way
Posted anonymously at 17:33, Thu 25 November 2021
Still blocked off, no access to other side of right of way
Posted anonymously at 17:33, Thu 25 November 2021
Still blocked off, no access to other side of right of way
Posted anonymously at 17:33, Thu 25 November 2021
Still open, via questionnaire -
Still open, via questionnaire, 18:13, Thu 23 December 2021
Not fixed but I did get a reply saying it has officially been closed until the housing site is completed.
ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 REQUEST FOR FURTHER EXTENSION TO THE LEICESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL (FOOTPATH N59, COALVILLE) (TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF FOOTPATH) ORDER 2020 I refer to your correspondence of 13 April 2021. The Secretary of State for Transport hereby approves of the continuing in force of the above Order made on 7 February 2020 and effective from 24 February 2020 and subsequently extended to 23 May 2021. As the works are ongoing and to prevent any danger to the public, the Secretary of State now grants a further extension of the said Order until the 23 May 2022 or until the completion of the works, whichever is the earlier. Notice of this further extension must be published in the same newspaper in which the notice in respect of the Order was published, together with a description of the alternative routes available. Yours faithfully SANDRA ZAMENZADEH NATIONAL TRANSPORT CASEWORK TEAM Authorised to sign on behalf of the Secretary of State in this matter
Posted anonymously at 19:07, Thu 20 January 2022
Still open, via questionnaire
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