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Parking Crane Mead development

Reported via mobile anonymously at 14:38, Thu 21 October 2021

Sent to East Hertfordshire District Council and Hertfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3076580.

Since new flats built (SG12 9PX)) in crane mead, the entrance road in crane mead development is constantly littered with cars parking across pavements and cars parking both sides of the road limiting access for larger vehicles. Main issues as a consequence: 1. Emergency services especially fire services would not be able to access apartments blocks deeper into crane mead. There are over 200 apartments impacted as a result. In an event of an emergency either emergency services would not able to access properties or at best would be severely delayed. This could be a life or death situation. 2. In the crane mead development there are many blind and disabled residents. Residents walking (or wheelchairs) travelling) up or down crane mead (SG12 9PX)) must negotiate vehicles parked across pavements. This is not acceptable not lawful. Vulnerable residents have the right to be able to travel on pavements unobstructed. This is causing some residents significant issues in their day to day life.

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