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Path Needs Restoring

Reported via mobile in the Parks/landscapes category by Robert Whittaker at 12:14, Sun 17 October 2021

Sent to Breckland District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3067197.

The pathway between the River and Bergamot Close in Thetford was installed with a self-binding compacted surface when the houses were built. Since then it has not been maintained. At this point (south of number 11 Bergamot Close) the original route (to left of the wooden edge rail that's visible in the photo) has become instructed and overgrown. Walkers have deviated from the original route, but the part gets muddy in winter.

Work is needed to cut back the overgrowth and restore the surface on the original route, so that the path remains accessible to all and usable throughout the year.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 13:58, Tue 16 November 2021

  • I had a reply about this on 18th October. The issue has been passed to Breckland's contractor Serco, who have "raised worksheet 73270 with the relevant supervisor who should arrange someone to take a look at the path and take the necessary action."

    Posted by Robert Whittaker at 18:00, Sun 21 November 2021

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