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Reported via mobile in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 16:55, Sat 9 October 2021

Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3051943.

I have lived at the Maltings for three years now and had major issues with people parking outside right outside my front door also parking over my driveway it’s becoming rather frustrating even though I do ask them to move I get nothing but abuse I have been in contact with parkingmatters several times and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere could you help on this matter or could you give me some further information where I could go please as there is no traffic wardens doing their job around this area on a regular basis if you are traffic wardens around this area seven days a week you will find yourself a lot of traffic parking on double yellow lines even though it is a residential area people just don’t care I hope to hear from you soon thank you very much

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