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Severe flooding after rainfall

Reported via desktop anonymously at 07:57, Tue 5 October 2021

Sent to East Hertfordshire District Council and Hertfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3042235.

This section of the road now routinely becomes flooded after rainfall. The flooding is now so bad it reduces a bi-directional carriageway to a single flow of traffic with cars having to move to the centre of the road, risking collisions, to avoid some of the deepest sections which I estimate to be around 12 inches or more deep. From the photos you can see this is no longer a road and is more like a channel crossing. This typically lasts for a day or more until the water drains away, but any subsequent rainfall tops up the water level meaning the hazard remains. Because the road is unlit this causes a significant risk at night with little to no warning until you reach to flooded section of road. In addition as the colder weather approaches if this were to freeze a number of accidents could very easily result in a long stretch of road becoming effectively an ice rink. Finally this continued flooding risks damaging the surface of the road itself with debris from the 'banks' getting washed into the centre of the road.

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  • This still hasn't been fully addressed and still floods after heavy rain.

    Posted anonymously at 16:14, Thu 20 October 2022

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