Status unknown
Curb stone protrusion
Reported via mobile in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 10:23, Sat 2 October 2021
Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3037347.
The curb stone shown is protruding too far into the road and does not follow the camber or angle of the road correctly. It caused my car to hit it numerous times and has unfortunately caused a puncture on one of my tyres. Please correct the problem and remove and change the curb stone with the correct angle. Thankyou
This protruding curb stone has not been removed and still needs to be corrected. It’s really not that difficult, it’s all the old fashioned council ways that prevents road work being done quickly. “Jobs for the boys” if you know what I mean councillors, you are in ivory towers aren’t you but then earthquakes will be created to make you topple.
Posted anonymously at 18:29, Sat 30 October 2021
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Still not fixed, c’mon council chiefs. Update your ways....... just look at how the Yanks and the Japs quickly repair their roads!?! Why don’t you use computers for your work rather than quill and papyrus? Your old byways are “why ways”.
Posted anonymously at 21:11, Sat 27 November 2021
Still not fixed, c’mon council chiefs. Update your ways....... just look at how the Yanks and the Japs quickly repair their roads!?! Why don’t you use computers for your work rather than quill and papyrus? Your old byways are “why ways”.
Posted anonymously at 21:57, Sat 27 November 2021
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Why do I bother leaving a reply so I won’t although even these few words are a reply even though it isn’t but it is, but it isn’t, but it is, but it isn’t etc for infinity.....
Posted anonymously at 13:37, Sun 26 December 2021
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WTF! Still not fixed!
Posted anonymously at 15:47, Sun 23 January 2022
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As Sir John Betjemen has written:- “Why haven’t you fixed my road? You bloody awful lazy toad!”.
Posted anonymously at 17:23, Sun 20 February 2022
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Nowt done you lazy bastards.
Posted anonymously at 17:56, Sun 20 March 2022
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