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Flytipped trailer full of rubbish

Reported via mobile in the Flytipping category anonymously at 18:14, Fri 1 October 2021

Sent to Hull City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3036734.

Trailer left in a dangerous position on the road. Number plates and lights removed. Full if old metal, chairs, full black binbags etc. With no lights on it it is causing a serious hazard. It is stuck out in the road too far to be safe. The kids will be climbing all over it which is dangerous as rusty metal rods sticking up in it. Black bags may contain poison or syringes. Very dangerous for the local kids. I reported at 9 am to the council that it is a danger to both traffic and health and safety of children but it hasn't been moved. Council workers cane to collect household large items from the house opposite this morning and agreed that it was dangerous and said they would inform their manager when they returned to the depot. Still nothing done. If a child is hurt it will be the council's responsibility.

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