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Dangerous roundabout

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 17:10, Fri 1 October 2021

Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3035584.

The new roundabout on the A512 from Loughborough towards the M1 is dangerous – I constantly see near misses as I drive there.

There are 2 approach lanes, 3 lanes marked on the roundabout and 2 exit lanes.

Due to the angle of approach of the A512 to the roundabout people in the LH lane tend to assume the middle lane on the roundabout and people in the RH land the RH lance around the roundabout which is fine apart from the RH lane does not allow straight on exit – you need to cut across the lane now occupied by someone who approached in the LH lane.

Its only a matter of time before a serious injury happens – can you please review the design and make it safer.

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  • Highways said the design is fine and its a bad driving issue so I guess we'll have to wait for a serious accident for them to fix it

    Posted anonymously at 12:16, Sat 30 October 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

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