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Parking on grass verge

Reported via Android anonymously at 16:10, Wed 29 September 2021

Sent to Cherwell District Council and Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3032522.

The contractors working on the property in croft avenue are using the grass verges to park some of their vehicles. May I suggest the anti traveller Lego concrete blocks are moved close to the pavement to stop this happening. Strange that the contractors who obtained planning permission by way of some weird counting of parking spaces in the area during the midnight hours, feel the spaces available in the surrounding streets are not good enough for them. When the conversion to multi occupation is completed I am expecting the new residents to park on the verges as well if something is not done, it will become a churned up mess soon enough if this continues.

Council ref: 3032522

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