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Overgrown shrubs, trees and weeds

Reported via desktop anonymously at 13:57, Wed 15 September 2021

Sent to East Hertfordshire District Council and Hertfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3003135.

Footpath 30, running between Baldock Road and Bowling Green Lane is over grown yet again. Weeds are almost blocking the path, shrubs and trees are growing well over the edge of the footpath and overhanging the footpath, particularly the Bowling Green Road end.

The hedge on the school side is also overgrown.

When you cleared it last time all they did was the stingy nettles, nothing else was addressed hence the further problems now. Everyone I pass comments on it and I’m fed up with pushing kids along there and them getting stung!

Please cut it back properly and well back from pathway edge and maybe this won’t continue to be a problem. And please don’t forget the Baldock Road end which you had to come back to do last time as they ‘forgot’.

Also the footpath immediately behind the co-op, London Road, off Hare Street Road is overgrown with stingy nettles.

Thank you.

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  • Still over hanging trees/shrubs at Bowling Green Road end of path.

    Posted anonymously at 14:14, Wed 13 October 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

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