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Double parking

Reported via desktop anonymously at 16:35, Tue 14 September 2021

Sent to East Hertfordshire District Council and Hertfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3000967.

There have been multiple incidences in Thorley park road CM23 3NQ where i cannot even get out or in my driveway because of cars such as these ones parking on the entrance of my driveway or double parking and staying for 45 minutes to an hour without moving during school runs. furthermore, not only does this make me late to work the times when i have kindly asked them to move so that i may leave they respond with the upmost rudeness and as this has been occurring for 5 years, i have lost all tolerance to such parking which not only puts me but my children in danger as there is no way for me to park in a safely manner, therefore i believe that either the streets should be for resident permit holders only or for there to be free parking on specific times to avoid such issues

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 18:09, Tue 12 October 2021

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