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A272 A34 roundabout

Reported via Android in the Traffic lights category anonymously at 16:57, Mon 13 September 2021

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2998531.

There needs to be traffic lights on this roundabout on the a272 road onto the roundabout. Because of the timings of other lights you can be waiting ages to pull out onto the roundabout, with no gap in the traffic for a good few minutes, meaning dangerous pulling out in front of vehicles is needed to be able to continue on your journey.

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  • Passing on the inside then cutting in is also a problem here. People tend to use lane 1 when turning right onto the A34 instead of turning left or going straight on if there are fewer vehicles in this lane. Since the junction just beyond this one has two lanes that go straight on (the one on the right splits to go straight on to Winnal and / or the A34) there is no excuse as to use lane 1 when intending to exit at the A34 or M3 North junction.

    Posted anonymously at 08:37, Wed 22 September 2021

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