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Blocked footpath, and obstructed driveway access

Reported via desktop anonymously at 11:50, Thu 9 September 2021 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council and Vale of White Horse District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2989951.

Inconsiderate (illegal?) parking of Oxford Direct Services vehicle number 2515 (OU15XSC) is currently parked on the footpath in Saffron Court, Abingdon, and blocking access for a wheelchair user who needs to get to the Churchill Hospital shortly for dialysis. Please indicate to all of your employees that parking on footpaths is antisocial and unacceptable, as it has an impact on the safety and health of the general public. It is especially annoying where there is legal and safe parking available within twenty yards.

Council ref: 2989951

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  • The vehicle in question (along with a second parked legally) has now been removed, however this is not the first time council vehicles have obstructed the footpath, and I suspect it will not the the last.

    Posted anonymously at 15:19, Thu 9 September 2021

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