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Roadside Grass has not been cut since 2020

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 13:25, Sat 4 September 2021

Sent to Torbay Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2978589.

The grass that runs alongside Teignmouth Road (heading to Shaldon from Torquay) is heavily overgrown and presents a serious danger to those using this section of road because of severely impaired visibility. A motorcyclist died at this very place only 15 months ago and a contributory factor was overgrown grass/weeds. I did call Torbay Council to report this about 2 months ago and I was informed someone would take care of the roadside maintenance, but nothing has changed. I would also like to bring to your attention that when the contractors do make an attempt to cut the grass, they seem to believe that a couple of feet is all they need to take care of, and they leave the other 20 feet untouched. I have cut the grass at least 5 times per year myself and this would have continued but for the fact that I'm now incapable of walking due to an injury. Can Torbay Council please take responsibility for cutting your grass/weeds and thereby reduce the risks of another serious or fatal accident? The road safety is also not helped by the fact that our bins can stay on the roadside for up to 11 days beyond the normal collection day. (At the moment we have no idea when our collection day is meant to be). This needs urgent attention.

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