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Prostitution and Kerb Crawling

Reported in the Dumped rubbish category anonymously at 23:14, Tue 4 December 2012

Sent to Redbridge less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 295896.

This has still not been stopped. Prostitutes hanging around outside my house. I have called the police many times and have complained. It has been going on for years and I do not understand why it is taking so long to prevent kerb crawling. Police claim they have CCTV cameras with easy view of the area yet prostitutes are outside all night making all the noise, picking up customers etc. Its so sick that this has still not been resolved.

All is required is CCTV surveillance and send officers over. And keep patrolling around the areas. When the police drive by, the prostitutes run into my driveway and hide behind one of the cars.

These needs to be stopped. Its difficult to sleep at night and it is sick that all of this is happening outside my home.

They have many times pulled panels off my back garden fence. Littering with beer cans etc in my front garden.

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