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Hgv breaking the law and commiting offences

Reported via mobile anonymously at 11:27, Wed 25 August 2021

Sent to Hull City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2957800.

Dominos delivery hgv 30 tonne wagons reversing through traffic lights through a no entry, into a one way system the wrong way. Lake drive is a 7.5 tonne weight limit road and a residential street. It's not acceptable as its a serious road traffic offence on all counts and needs dorting as kids play in the street, especially for such a large vehicle doing this and breaking the law

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  • That was Friday 17th September 2021, yet again the same driver breaking the law again reversing through a no entry into a one way system the wrong way and well over the 7.5 tonne weight limit. All you get is verbal abuse and lies as to why he has done it. These are dominos delivery wagons who think the highway code is there to be broken. Its damaging the road surface as its starting to crack and can damage the traffic light sensor due to its weight

    Posted anonymously at 11:17, Sat 18 September 2021

  • This is because the police and council are useless and cannot be bothered to do their duties to make the street safe

    Posted anonymously at 11:43, Wed 22 September 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 12:11, Wed 20 October 2021

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