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Footballs kicked into my garden.

Reported via desktop anonymously at 14:32, Mon 23 August 2021

Sent to Horsham District Council and West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2953408.

My greenhouse has been broken and the gutters on the greenhouse and shed broken and the fence bashed by footballs. Previous damage has been paid for by neighbour but the problem with the balls is continuing.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 17:35, Tue 21 September 2021

  • These are three more ball in my garden since the last pictures I submitted. I have fixed an alarm to my fence in the hope that every time the fence is 'bashed' the alarm will put them off. I have had a new fence and a new shed erected this year costing a lot of money and I don't want the gutter on the shed to be knocked down again.

    Posted anonymously at 18:00, Tue 21 September 2021

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