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Houses backing onto Thurcaston Rd are shaking by the speed of the lorries hurtling past to the new developments

Reported via mobile in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 11:39, Fri 20 August 2021

Sent to Leicester City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2947779.

There is a massive increase in the number of lorries coming to our area. Most of these use the roundabout that leads on Glebelands and Bevan road as a U turn to back towards the development work or to the industrial area. This happens multiple multiple times a day- from 6am and we get it- maybe 1 lorry overnight also. The whole house shakes every time. There are speed bumps sign Thurcaston are in front of the new development houses but those of us living in the houses on Deanery Crescent with our houses right up close to Thurcaston Rd do not have this. I even asked for the speed bumps to be extended to go as far as our houses that lead up to the roundabout when the locals were consulted on the new build. This constant shaking is very disruptive and most likely not good for our homes foundations. These lorries are driving way too fast and with no repercussions.

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  • No reply received from council

    Posted anonymously at 13:57, Fri 17 September 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

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