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Overgrown shrubs (with speeding traffic) causing dangerous conditions for pedestrians and exiting vehicles from driveways

Reported via desktop in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 14:14, Thu 12 August 2021

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2931385.

The overgrown shrubs on Winchester Road, directly opposite Kings Road are causing hazardous conditions throughout the year and in particular since beginning of July 2021. We are requesting urgent attention to advert a serious incident.

From my knowledge there have been 3 near misses in the last month alone from cars pulling out of the driveways due to the lack of visibility and speeding oncoming traffic exiting the blind spot caused by the shrubs and inside bend in the road.

The lack of vision of oncoming traffic is also causing severe problems crossing the road over to Kings Road. Apart from a recent temporary speed notification display erected in the last couple of weeks, there is no provision to reduce speed after the bend and allow for a permanent safe crossing to the Infant School. In this regard the School sign post southbound on Winchester Road is partly concealed by shrubs and seriously tarnished making the sign invisible to approaching motorist. A reduced speed limit to 20 mph would be more appropriate and in line with other schools in the area.

Overgrown shrubs and speeding traffic is a perfect storm to cause a serious accident therefore your immediate attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated please.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 15:26, Thu 9 September 2021

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