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Dangerous exit , substance on road

Reported via mobile anonymously at 13:00, Wed 11 August 2021 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council and South Oxfordshire District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2928783.

Dear Jenny, Thank you for your email. Our Highways Team have confirmed this location is not within our borough, we therefore will not be taking any further action on the matter. You will need to contact Oxfordshire County Council directly. Your original correspondence is quoted below. Please note that to protect your personal details they have been removed from the quoted text. To make a compliment or complaint please visit To find out more about how we care for our customers please visit Kind regards, Ryan Customer Services Advisor | Customer Contact Centre Corporate Customer Services | Directorate of Resources Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Instagram | LinkedIn cid:image005.jpg@01D2FFDF.0F511E50cid:image002.jpg@01D64E33.36D9F280 To find out how council services are affected please visit For all COVID-19 advice, please visit the Government website This is an EXTERNAL EMAIL. STOP. THINK before you CLICK links or OPEN attachments.

Sent from my iPhone

On 11 Aug 2021, at 11:49, jenny woodgate <> wrote: I went onto report it at the Oxfordshire council and it said the that it’s not within their area and to contact you . It seems no one wants to take responsibility . Can you not forward on my complaint to them ? I will try again to report it to them . Regards a very frustrated lady Sent from my iPhone

On 11 Aug 2021, at 11:23, Webform <> wrote:  Dear Jenny Woodgate, Thank you for your email. The location you have prov

Council ref: 2928783

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  • Good afternoon Jenny

    I have had a look into this and as far as i can see this is private land not owned or maintained by Oxfordshire County Council. If you would like to call the Highways Customer Services on 0345 310 1111

    Kind Regards Debbie

    Posted anonymously at 12:16, Thu 12 August 2021

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