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Uneven footpath, trip hazard, weeds growing through, mud patches and overgrown grass verges

Reported via desktop in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 16:42, Tue 10 August 2021

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2926962.

Between Oakwood Road (number 51) and the electricity substation (just after number 69) the footpath on Merdon Avenue is awful. The path is very uneven and children have tripped on several occasions. In several places, the path is very narrow making it suitable for single-file only in some places, which is not ideal for families with young children/buggies and brings pedestrians close to the road which is getting busier - a stumble could easily result in a fall into the road. The path has weeds and plants growing through the tarmac and also extending over it. The grass verges are non-existent in some places (just mud patches left) and those that do still exist are extending across the path. In some places (near the electric substation especially), moss is growing too which is slippery underfoot when wet. A refresh/resurface of the path between 51 and 69/substation is very much due!

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 17:01, Tue 7 September 2021

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