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Wrong parking

Reported via Android in the Car parking category anonymously at 17:34, Tue 3 August 2021

Sent to Hull City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2911529.

After paying my taxes to improve parking down this street, the local residents still continue to destroy the landscape by not parking correctly withing the designated bays

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 18:08, Tue 31 August 2021

  • Cookbury Close. There we have a problems with some neighbours, or neighbours friends which love to do problems for other(for us in this case) we build slinding gate to enter into ours back garden, outside are a lot of space minimum for 2 large cars, but some people's constantly and maliciously blocks the exit. Reason inexplicable,they like conflicted situations, or are fully ignorants. What we have to in this situation?

    Posted anonymously at 13:15, Thu 2 September 2021

  • Still nothing done

    Posted anonymously at 17:02, Wed 12 January 2022

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