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Privet hedge obscuring right hand vision

Reported via desktop anonymously at 21:56, Wed 28 July 2021

Sent to Leicester City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2898330.

I've a issue with the over growth of the privet hedge which obscures the right hand turn on the mini island ,as I see it it's a accident waiting to happen as a motorist you have to nudge into the island to either turn left or right as you cannot see the vehicles approaching ,,surely the onus is on the owner to trim back his hedge which is obscuring vision for motorists ,but as a local authority you have the powers to enforce the owner to take remedial action on this privet as it's over 12 ft high and bushes out ,thank you

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  • The main issue at that mini roundabout is the council not cutting into the area opposite on Bennion road so that the give way line can be pushed out further

    They did this to many others in the area because they tried to save money when turning these T junctions into mini roundabouts

    Posted anonymously at 06:18, Thu 29 July 2021

  • Still not rectified ,the owner is blatantly waiting for an accident to happen then he will be sued ,and the council have the right to force him to prune it back ,,but are spineless to act ,,

    Posted anonymously at 23:10, Thu 16 September 2021

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